Adrish Dey


Office 825

BU Center of Computing & Data Sciences (CDS)

665, Commonwealth Ave

Boston University

Boston, MA, 02134

I’m a CS PhD student at Boston University studying the application of Geometry and Topology in ML and Graphics. I am advised by Prof. Ed Chien.

Outside of work, I enjoy biking, exploring the city, experimenting cooking new dishes, and flying airplanes in Flight Simulators (A moonshot goal in my life is to get a flying license someday). Recently, I have also been exploring bouldering.

Research Interests

I am broadly interested in studying problems on the intersection of Geometry and Machine Learning. These days, I am primarily studying optimal transport problems arising in a wide variety of areas (graphics, fluid dynamics, astrophysics, to name a few).

You can find CV Here. Please don’t hesitiate to reach out if you want to collaborate or want to discuss interesting problems! 🙂 Email:


Apr 14, 2022 Excited to share I’m starting my PhD with Prof. Edward Chien at Boston University starting Fall 2022.
Oct 21, 2021 Excited to share, starting Novemeber, I am joining Weights and Biases as a Machine Learning Engineer ✨
Mar 16, 2021 Excited to share I just accepted an offer for Summer Research Fellowship with Geometric Data Processing lab, at MIT CSAIL. 💫 🥳 🎉
Nov 1, 2020 Our work “TopoSampler: A Topology Constrained Noise Sampling for GANs” got accepted for spotlight presentation at Workshop on Topological Data Analysis and Beyond. Yay! :sparkles: :tada:
Dec 15, 2019 I’ll be joining as a Research Intern working on GANs for the next 8 weeks!

selected publications

  1. NeurIPS TDA ’20
    Topo Sampler: A Topology Constrained Noise Sampling for GANs
    Adrish Dey, and Sayantan Das
    In TDA & Beyond, 2020