Adrish Dey


I’m a CS PhD student at Boston University studying the application of Geometry and Topology in ML and Graphics. I am advised by Prof. Ed Chien.

Outside of work, I enjoy biking, exploring the city, experimenting cooking new dishes, and flying airplanes in Flight Simulators (A moonshot goal in my life is to get a flying license someday). Recently, I have also been exploring bouldering.

Research Interests

I am broadly interested in studying problems on the intersection of Geometry and Machine Learning. These days, I am primarily studying optimal transport problems arising in a wide variety of areas (graphics, fluid dynamics, astrophysics, to name a few).

You can find CV Here. Please don’t hesitiate to reach out if you want to collaborate or want to discuss interesting problems! 🙂 Email:


Jun 25, 2024 Presented My Work on “Neural Lagrangian Mesh: A generative model for Manifold Meshes of Arbitrary Genus” at Symposium of Geometry Processing (SGP) 2024
Apr 14, 2022 Excited to share I’m starting my PhD with Prof. Edward Chien at Boston University starting Fall 2022.
Oct 21, 2021 Excited to share, starting Novemeber, I am joining Weights and Biases as a Machine Learning Engineer ✨
Mar 16, 2021 Excited to share I just accepted an offer for Summer Research Fellowship with Geometric Data Processing lab, at MIT CSAIL. 💫 🥳 🎉
Nov 01, 2020 Our work “TopoSampler: A Topology Constrained Noise Sampling for GANs” got accepted for spotlight presentation at Workshop on Topological Data Analysis and Beyond. Yay! :sparkles: :tada:

selected publications

  1. NeurIPS TDA ’20
    Topo Sampler: A Topology Constrained Noise Sampling for GANs
    Adrish Dey, and Sayantan Das
    In TDA & Beyond, 2020